
All functionality of the DGI is centered around the implemented interfaces. All interfaces use the same USB protocol, but every interface has its own configuration parameters and handling of communication. For details, refer to the interface-specific sections. Note that not all interfaces are available on all boards implementing the DGI device. The available interfaces can be read through the USB protocol.

Table 1. List of Interfaces
Name Identifier Description
Timestamp 0x00 Service interface which appends timestamps to all received events on associated interfaces.
SPI* 0x20 Communicates directly over SPI in Client mode.


0x21 Communicates directly over UART in Client mode.

Communicates directly over USART in Client mode.

I2C* 0x22 Communicates directly over I2C in Client mode.
GPIO 0x30 Monitors and controls the state of GPIO pins.
Power 0x40 (data) Receives data and sync events from the attached power measurement co-processors.
Debugger Polling 0x50 Polling of timestamped samples of the program counter,allowing an insight in the program execution of the device.

For more information, see Debugger Polling.

Reserved 0xFF Special identifier used to indicate no interface.
* Coming Next Release