TinyX-OCD (UPDI) Special Considerations

The UPDI data pin (UPDI_DATA) can be a dedicated pin or a shared pin, depending on the target AVR device. A shared UPDI pin is 12 V tolerant and can be configured to be used as /RESET or GPIO. For further details on how to use the pin in these configurations, see AVR UPDI.

On devices which include the CRCSCAN module (Cyclic Redundancy Check Memory Scan), this module should not be used in Continuous Background mode while debugging. The OCD module has limited hardware breakpoint comparator resources, so BREAK instructions may be inserted into Flash (software breakpoints) when more breakpoints are required, or even during source-level code stepping. The CRC module could incorrectly detect this breakpoint as a corruption of Flash memory contents.

The CRCSCAN module will appear configured to perform a CRC scan before boot. In the case of a CRC mismatch, the device will not boot and appears to be in a locked state. The only way to recover the device from this state is to perform a full chip erase and either program a valid Flash image or disable the pre-boot CRCSCAN. (A simple chip erase will result in a blank Flash with invalid CRC, and the part will thus still not boot.) The software front-end will automatically disable the CRCSCAN fuses when chip erasing a device in this state.

When designing a target application PCB where the UPDI interface will be used, the following considerations must be made for correct operation: