Checking for Stack Overflow

A stack overflow is a very common source of support requests, but FreeRTOS provides some features to help debug such issues.

Stack overflow occurs when a task tries to push more elements on the stack than there is room for. The stack size is specified when a task is created. To find out how close a task is to overflowing its stack, the uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(TaskHandle_t xTask) function can be used. It returns the minimum of unused stack in words. If an 8-bit MCU is used, a return value of 1 will mean 1 byte. For a 32-bit MCU, 1 word means 4 bytes. To use this function, the INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark must be set to 1 in the configuration file.

It is also possible to check for stack overflow during run-time. By setting the configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW to 1, the kernel checks that the stack pointer remains within the valid stack space. If not, the stack overflow hook function is called. A hook function is a function that allows the application to react when something happens and provide different behavior. For example, an LED can be turned on when a stack has overflowed. Another option might be to print an error message and reboot the system. The vApplicationStackOverflowHook() function must be provided by the application.

See for more information about FreeRTOS and stack overflow.