Used to create a new stream. The type of the stream can be either EVENT, TEXT, or DATA. Each stream must be given a unique ID.

Field Size Values Description
Message ID 1 byte 0x20  
Data length 2 bytes 5 + label length (N) + parameter length (M)  
ID 2 bytes 0x0000-0xFFFF ID of stream
Type 1 byte STREAM_DATA_TYPE Stream type
Mode 1 byte

0 = Incoming (normal)

1 = Incoming (single value)

2 = Outgoing

Stream mode/direction

Direction is defined seen from target

State 1 byte

0 = ON

1= OFF

Stream state
Label N bytes Null-terminated string Label of the data stream
Parameters M bytes Byte array Parameters specific to stream type
Type code Data type Parameters Data size
0 EVENT None 0 bytes
1 STRING None N bytes
2 UINT_8 None 1 byte
3 INT_8 None 1 byte
4 UINT_16 None 2 bytes
5 INT_16 None 2 bytes
6 UINT_32 None 4 bytes
7 INT_32 None 4 bytes
8 XY_8 None 2 bytes
9 XY_16 None 4 bytes
10 XY_32 None 8 bytes
11 BOOL None 1 byte
12 Float None 4 bytes
13 Double None 8 bytes
20 Grid

Base data type (1 byte, e.g. 6 for UINT_32)

Width of grid (1 byte)

Depth of grid (1 byte)

Size of base data type * Width * Depth

The XY data types are combos of X and Y coordinates. If the format is XY_8 the data will contain one byte of X-coordinate and one byte of Y-coordinate. For XY_16 the data will contain two bytes of X-coordinate and two bytes of Y-coordinates and for XY_32 each coordinate will be four bytes long.