
Author: Cristian Pop, Microchip Technology Inc.

Microchip tinyAVR® 0- and 1-series, megaAVR® 0-series and AVR® Dx devices feature an Analog Comparator (AC) with flexible input selection, selectable hysteresis and configurable output (interrupts on rising/falling or both edges, event generation, and output inversion).

This technical brief explains the AC concepts and its implementation in tinyAVR® 0- and 1-series, megaAVR® 0-series and AVR® Dx devices with the following use cases:

  • Level Crossing Detector:

    This example shows how to use the AC to detect when a critical value of an analog signal is reached (for example, the battery level).

  • Preventing False Spike Detection:

    This example demonstrates how to use the hysteresis feature to minimize the number of false transitions in a noisy environment.

  • Analog Signal Pulse Duration/Frequency Measurements:

    The example describes how to use the AC together with a timer to measure the pulse duration and/or the period of analog signals with minimal intervention of the AVR core.

Note: For each use case described in this document, there are two code examples: One bare metal developed on ATmega4809, and one generated with MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) developed on AVR128DA48.