1.1 TCP/IP Berkeley TCP Client

The Berkeley TCP Client configuration demonstrates creating a network client with the Berkeley API to make a TCP/IP connection to a web server.

TCP/IP Berkeley TCP Client MCC Configuration

The following Project Graph diagram shows the Harmony components included in the TCP Client demonstration application.

  • MCC is launched by selecting Tools > Embedded > MPLAB® Code Configurator from the MPLAB X IDE, demo project is ready to be configured and regenerated.

  • TCP/IP Root Layer Project Graph

    The root layer project shows that FLEXCOM1 peripheral is selected to do read and write operation for TCP/IP commands.

    This is the basic configuration with SYS_CONSOLE, SYS_DEBUG and SYS_COMMAND modules. These modules are required for TCP/IP command execution.


    TCP sockets calculate the ISN using the wolfSSL crypto library.

  • TCP/IP Required Application

    TCP/IP demo use these application module components for this demo.

    Announce module to discover the Microchip devices within a local network.

    DHCP Client module to discover the IPv4 address from the nearest DHCP Server.

    DNS Client provides DNS resolution capabilities to the stack.

    Berkeley API module provides the Berkeley_Socket_Distribution (BSD) wrapper to the native Microchip TCP/IP Stack APIs. The required transport and network modules are automatically selected when adding this component.

  • TCPIP Driver Layer

    Internal ethernet driver(GMAC) is enabled with the external KSZ8061 PHY driver library.


    The MIIM Driver supports asynchronous read/write and scan operations for accessing the external PHY registers and notification when MIIM operations have completed.

TCP/IP Berkeley TCP Client Hardware Configuration

This section describes the required default hardware configuration for SAMRH71 Evaluation Kit that can be used for the respective application demonstration.

  • For initial setup, you can refer to the Getting Started with SAMRH71F20 Evaluation Kit application note.

  • Set all SW5 DIP Switch to 0.

  • Connect the micro USB cable from the computer to the J15 USB connector on the SAMRH71 Evaluation Kit

  • Establish a connection between the router/switch with the SAMRH71 Evaluation Kit through the RJ45 connector


TCP/IP Berkeley TCP Client Running Application

This table lists the name and location of the MPLAB X IDE project folder for the demonstration.

Project NameTarget DeviceTarget Development BoardDescription
sam_rh71_ek.XATSAMRH71F20CSAMRH71F20-EKDemonstrates the Berkeley TCP Client on development board with ATSAMRH71F20C device. This implementation is based on Bare Metal ( non-RTOS).

Running The Demonstration

  1. Build and download the demonstration project on the target board.

  2. Connect the board UART connection:

    1. A virtual COM port will be detected on the computer, when the USB cable is connected to USB-UART connector.

    2. Open a standard terminal application on the computer (like Hyper-terminal or Tera Term) and configure the virtual COM port.

    3. Set the serial baud rate to 115200 baud in the terminal application.

    4. See that the initialization prints on the serial port terminal.

    5. When the DHCP client is enabled in the demonstration, wait for the DHCP server to assign an IP address for the development board. This will be printed on the serial port terminal.

      • Alternatively: Use the Announce service or ping to get the IP address of the board.

        • Run tcpip_discoverer.jar to discover the IPv4 and IPv6 address for the board.

  3. Execution :

    After the successful board bring up, the console output becomes


    For TCP Client test, input the following command from the serial port:

    openurl < url > - The < url > argument must be a fully formed URL; for instance, "http://www.microchip.com/".

    For this above URL , the DNS module will make a DNS query. Then it will open a connection to the requested URL and perform a simple HTTP GET command.

    The response received from the server will be printed on the terminal application through the serial port.

    The expected output -
