1.4 I2C Driver Asynchronous - I2C Multi-client

This example application shows how to use multi-client feature of the I2C driver in asynchronous mode to communicate with temperature sensor and an EEPROM.


Two application tasks are created which act as clients to the same instance of the I2C driver:


  • Reads temperature every 1 second, prints on console and notifies the EEPROM client
  • The Time System Service is used to generate a callback every 1 second


  • Writes temperature values to the EEPROM once the temperature read complete notification is received
  • Reads and prints the last five saved temperature data back from the EEPROM when user enters any key on the console.

Downloading and Building the Application

To clone or download this application from Github, go to the main page of this repository and then click Clone button to clone this repository or download as zip file. This content can also be downloaded using content manager by following these instructions.

Path of the application within the repository is apps/driver/i2c/async/i2c_multi_slave/firmware.

To build the application, refer to the following table and open the project using its IDE.

Project NameDescription
sam_l10_xpro.XMPLABX project for SAML10 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

Running the Application

  1. Open the Terminal application (Ex.:Tera term) on the computer
  2. Connect to the EDBG Virtual COM port and configure the serial settings as follows:
    • Baud : 115200
    • Data : 8 Bits
    • Parity : None
    • Stop : 1 Bit
    • Flow Control : None
  3. Build and Program the application using its IDE
  4. Observe the temperature values getting printed on the terminal application every 1 second and temperature value written into EEPROM notification as shown below:
  5. Press any key on the terminal, last 5 temperature values will be read from the EEPROM and displayed as shown below.