4.2.1 I/O1 Xplained Pro Extension Header

I/O1 Xplained Pro implements one standard Xplained Pro extension header marked with EXT in silkscreen. This header makes it possible to connect the board to any Xplained Pro MCU board. The pin-out definition for the extension header can be seen in the table below.

Table 4-2. I/O1 Xplained Pro Extension Header
Pin on EXTFunctionDescription
1IDCommunication line to ID chip
3LIGHTSENSORLight sensor output (ADC)
4LP_OUTLow pass filter output (ADC)
5GPIO1General Purpose I/O pin (GPIO)
6GPIO2General Purpose I/O pin (GPIO)
7LEDLED control (PWM)
8LP_INLow pass filter input (PWM)
9TEMP_ALERTALERT pin (Pin 3) of temperature sensor chip (IRQ)
10microSD_DETECTDetect pin on microSD card connector (GPIO)
11TWI SDAData line of TWI interface, connected to SDA pin (Pin 1) of temperature sensor chip
12TWI SCLClock line of TWI interface, connected to SCL pin (Pin 2) of temperature sensor chip
13UART RXReceive pin of target MCU UART interface
14UART TXTransmit pin of target MCU UART interface
15microSD_SSChip select signal, connected to DAT3 pin on microSD card connector
16SPI_MOSIMaster Out, Slave In signal of target MCU SPI interface. Connected to CMD pin on microSD card connector.
17SPI_MISOMaster In, Slave Out signal of target MCU SPI interface. Connected to D0 pin on microSD card connector.
18SPI_SCKClock line of SPI interface. Connected to CLK pin on microSD card connector.
20VCCTarget supply voltage