8.1 Peripheral Address Map

The address map shows the base address for each peripheral. For a complete register description and summary for each peripheral, refer to the respective peripheral sections.

Table 8-1. Peripheral Address Map
Base AddressNameDescription28-Pin32-Pin48-Pin
0x0000VPORTAVirtual Port AXXX
0x0004VPORTBVirtual Port BX
0x0008VPORTCVirtual Port CXXX
0x000CVPORTDVirtual Port DXXX
0x0010VPORTEVirtual Port EX
0x0014VPORTFVirtual Port FXXX
0x001CGPRGeneral Purpose RegistersXXX
0x0040RSTCTRLReset ControllerXXX
0x0050SLPCTRLSleep Controller XXX
0x0060CLKCTRLClock ControllerXXX
0x0080BODBrown-out DetectorXXX
0x00A0VREFVoltage ReferenceXXX
0x0100WDTWatchdog TimerXXX
0x0110CPUINTInterrupt ControllerXXX
0x0120CRCSCANCyclic Redundancy Check Memory ScanXXX
0x0140RTCReal-Time CounterXXX
0x01C0CCLConfigurable Custom LogicXXX
0x0200EVSYSEvent SystemXXX
0x0400PORTAPort A ConfigurationXXX
0x0420PORTBPort B ConfigurationX
0x0440PORTCPort C ConfigurationXXX
0x0460PORTDPort D ConfigurationXXX
0x0480PORTEPort E ConfigurationX
0x04A0PORTFPort F ConfigurationXXX
0x05E0PORTMUXPort MultiplexerXXX
0x0600ADC0Analog-to-Digital Converter 0XXX
0x0680AC0Analog Comparator 0XXX
0x0688AC1Analog Comparator 1XXX
0x0690AC2Analog Comparator 2XXX
0x06A0DAC0Digital-to-Analog converter 0XXX
0x06C0ZCD0Zero-Cross Detector 0XXX
0x06C8ZCD1Zero-Cross Detector 1X
0x07C0PTCPeripheral Touch ControllerXXX
0x0800USART0Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 0XXX
0x0820USART1Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 1XXX
0x0840USART2Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 2XXX
0x0860USART3Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 3X
0x0880USART4Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 4X
0x0900TWI0Two-Wire Interface 0XXX
0x0920TWI1Two-Wire Interface 1XX
0x0940SPI0Serial Peripheral Interface 0XXX
0x0960SPI1Serial Peripheral Interface 1XXX
0x0A00TCA0Timer/Counter Type A instance 0XXX
0x0A40TCA1Timer/Counter Type A instance 1X
0x0B00TCB0Timer/Counter Type B instance 0XXX
0x0B10TCB1Timer/Counter Type B instance 1XXX
0x0B20TCB2Timer/Counter Type B instance 2XXX
0x0B30TCB3Timer/Counter Type B instance 3X
0x0B80TCD0Timer/Counter Type D instance 0XXX
0x0F00SYSCFGSystem ConfigurationXXX
0x1000NVMCTRLNonvolatile Memory ControllerXXX
Table 8-2. System Memory Address Map
Base AddressNameDescription28-Pin32-Pin48-Pin
0x1040LOCKLock BitsXXX
0x1050FUSEUser ConfigurationXXX
0x1080USERROWUser RowXXX
0x1100SIGROWSignature RowXXX