1 PIC32CX-BZ Family System Services

The PIC32CX-BZ System services provides several services to protocol developers and application users which use PIC32CX-BZ products.

It gives common system services like device driver library, persistence data server library, standalone bootloader and Bootloader services. These services are created as components in Harmony 3.

Secure Boot ROM: The Boot ROM allows to ensure the integrity of the device at boot. *Note: Not supported on all devices.

Device Support Library: This service provides help on the Device Support library that can be used as interface with RF System, PMU System, Info Block and Sleep System

Persistent Data Server Library: This service provides help on the PDS library that can be used for storing and restoring of important data in non-volatile memory using wear leveling mechanism.

Standalone Bootloader: This service provides help on the Standalone Bootloader component that can be used to upgrade firmware on a target device without the need for an external programmer or debugger.

Bootloader Services: This service provides help on the OTA Services that can be used to create signed firmware image for OTA with the provided header and OTA header information.