The PIC16F17126/46 devices that you have received conform functionally to the current device data sheet (DS40002343E), except for the anomalies described in this document.

The silicon issues discussed in the following pages are for silicon revisions with the Device and Revision IDs listed in the table below.

The errata described in this document will be addressed in future revisions of the PIC16F17126/46 silicon.

Note: This document summarizes all silicon errata issues from all revisions of silicon, previous as well as current.
Table . Silicon Device Identification
Part Number Device ID Revision ID
B0 B2 B3 B4
PIC16F17126 0x30E0 0xA040 0xA042 0xA043 0xA044
PIC16F17146 0x30E1 0xA040 0xA042 0xA043 0xA044
Important: Refer to the Device/Revision ID section in the device data sheet for more detailed information on Device Identification and Revision IDs for your specific device.