39.6.3 Analog-to-Digital (ADC) characteristics

Table 39-13. Operating Conditions (Device Variant A)
VDDANAPower Supply VoltageT>105°C3-3.6V
fCLK_ADCADC Clock frequency-30-2100kHz
Sample rate(1)Single shot (with VDDANA > 3.0V)(4)5-300ksps
Free running5-350ksps
Sampling time(1)-250--ns
Sampling time with DAC as input(2)-3--µs
Sampling time with Temp sens as input(2)-10--µs
Sampling time with Bandgap as input(2)-10--µs
Conversion time(1)1x Gain6--cycles
VREFVoltage reference range


INT1VInternal 1V reference (2,5)--1.0-V
INTVCC0Internal ratiometric reference 0(2)--VDDANA/1.48-V

Voltage Error

Internal ratiometric reference 0(2) error2.0V < VDDANA<3.63V-1.0-+1.0%
INTVCC1Internal ratiometric reference 1(2)VDDANA>2.0V-VDDANA/2-V

Voltage Error

Internal ratiometric reference 1(2) error2.0V < VDDANA<3.63V-1.0-+1.0%
Conversion range(1)Differential mode-VREF/GAIN-+VREF/GAINV
Single-ended mode0.0-+VREF/GAINV
CSAMPLESampling capacitance(2)--3.5-pF
RSAMPLEInput channel source resistance(2)---3.5
IDDDC supply current(1)fCLK_ADC = 2.1MHz(3)-1.251.85mA
Table 39-14. Operating Conditions (Device Variant B, C, D and L)
VDDANAPower Supply VoltageT>105°C3-3.6V
fCLK_ADCADC Clock frequency-30-2100kHz
Conversion speed-10-1000ksps
Sample rate(1)Single shot5-300ksps
Free running5-350ksps
Sampling time(1)-250--ns
Sampling time with DAC as input(2)-3--µs
Sampling time with Temp sens as input(2)-10--µs
Sampling time with Bandgap as input(2)-10--µs
Conversion time(1)1x Gain6--cycles
VREFVoltage reference range


INTV1Internal 1V reference (2,4)--1.0-V
INTVCC0Internal ratiometric reference 0(2)--VDDANA/1.48-V

Voltage Error

Internal ratiometric reference 0(2) error2.0V < VDDANA<3.63V-1.0-+1.0%
INTVCC1Internal ratiometric reference 1(2)VDDANA>2.0V-VDDANA/2-V

Voltage Error

Internal ratiometric reference 1(2) error2.0V < VDDANA<3.63V-1.0-+1.0%
Conversion range(1)Differential mode-VREF/GAIN-+VREF/GAINV
Single-ended mode0.0-+VREF/GAINV
CSAMPLESampling capacitance(2)-3.5-pF
RSAMPLEInput channel source resistance(2)--3.5
IDDDC supply current(1)fCLK_ADC = 2.1MHz(3)-1.251.85mA
  1. These values are based on characterization, and are not covered by test limits in production.
  2. These values are based on simulation, and are not covered by test limits in production or characterization.
  3. In this condition and for a sample rate of 350ksps, 1 Conversion at gain 1x takes 6 clock cycles of the ADC clock (conditions: 1X gain, 12-bit resolution, differential mode, free-running).
  4. It is the buffered internal reference of 1.0V derived from the internal 1.1V bandgap reference.
Table 39-15. Differential Mode (Device Variant A)
ENOBEffective Number Of BitsWith gain compensation-10.510.9bits
TUETotal Unadjusted Error1x Gain1.54.317.0LSB
INLIntegral Non Linearity1x Gain1.01.36.5LSB
DNLDifferential Non Linearity1x Gain+/-0.3+/-0.5+/-0.95LSB
GEGain ErrorExt. Ref 1x-15.02.5+20.0mV
VREF = INT1V-15.0-5.0+15.0mV
Gain Accuracy(5)Ext. Ref. 0.5x+/-0.1+/-0.2+/-0.45%
Ext. Ref. 2x to 16x+/-0.1+/-0.2+/-2.0%
OEOffset ErrorExt. Ref. 1x-10.0-1.5+10.0mV
VREF = INT1V-10.03.0+15.0mV
SFDRSpurious Free Dynamic Range1x Gain

FCLK_ADC = 2.1 MHz

FIN = 40 kHz

AIN = 95% FSR
SINADSignal-to-Noise and Distortion64.165.066dB
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio64.365.566.0dB
THDTotal Harmonic Distortion-74.8-64.0-65.0dB
Noise RMST = 25°C0.61.01.6mV
Table 39-16. Differential Mode (Device Variant B, C, D and L)
ENOBEffective Number Of BitsWith gain compensation-10.510.8bits
TUETotal Unadjusted Error1x Gain1.52.714LSB
INLIntegral Non Linearity1x Gain0.91.34LSB
DNLDifferential Non Linearity1x Gain+/-0.3+/-0.5+/-0.95LSB
GEGain ErrorExt. Ref 1x-10.0-1.3+10mV
VREF = VDDANA/1.48-25.0-10.1+10.0mV
VREF = INT1V-25.0+2+10.0mV
Gain Accuracy(5)Ext. Ref. 0.5x+/-0.005+/-0.05+/-0.15%
Ext. Ref. 2x to 16x+/-0.01+/-0.03+/-0.5%
OEOffset ErrorExt. Ref. 1x-8.0-1.0+8.0mV
VREF = VDDANA/1.48-8.0-0.6+8.0mV
VREF = INT1V-6.0-1.0+8.0mV
SFDRSpurious Free Dynamic Range1x Gain

FCLK_ADC = 2.1 MHz

FIN = 40 kHz

AIN = 95% FSR

SINADSignal-to-Noise and Distortion58.065.067.0dB
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio60.06668.6dB
THDTotal Harmonic Distortion-73.0-71.0-67.0dB
Noise RMST = 25°C0.61.01.6mV
  1. Maximum numbers are based on characterization and not tested in production, and valid for 5% to 95% of the input voltage range.
  2. Dynamic parameter numbers are based on characterization and not tested in production.
  3. Respect the input common mode voltage through the following equations (where VCM_IN is the Input channel common mode voltage):
      1. If |VIN| > VREF/4
        • VCM_IN < 0.95*VDDANA + VREF/4 – 0.75V
        • VCM_IN > VREF/4 -0.05*VDDANA -0.1V
      2. If |VIN| < VREF/4
        • VCM_IN < 1.2*VDDANA - 0.75V
        • VCM_IN > 0.2*VDDANA - 0.1V
  4. The ADC channels on pins PA08, PA09, PA10, PA11 are powered from the VDDIO power supply. The ADC performance of these pins will not be the same as all the other ADC channels on pins powered from the VDDANA power supply.
  5. The gain accuracy represents the gain error expressed in percent. Gain accuracy (%) = (Gain Error in V x 100) / (2*Vref/GAIN)
Table 39-17. Single-Ended Mode (Device Variant A)
ENOBEffective Number of BitsWith gain compensation-9.59.8Bits
TUETotal Unadjusted Error1x gain-10.514.0LSB
INLIntegral Non-Linearity1x gain1.01.67.5LSB
DNLDifferential Non-Linearity1x gain+/-0.5+/-0.6+/-0.95LSB
GEGain ErrorExt. Ref. 1x-10.00.7+10.0mV
Gain Accuracy(4)Ext. Ref. 0.5x+/-0.1+/-0.34+/-0.4%
Ext. Ref. 2x to 16X+/-0.01+/-0.1+/-0.15%
OEOffset ErrorExt. Ref. 1x-5.01.5+10.0mV
SFDRSpurious Free Dynamic Range1x Gain

FCLK_ADC = 2.1 MHz

FIN = 40 kHz

AIN = 95% FSR
SINADSignal-to-Noise and Distortion50.759.561.0dB
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio49.960.064.0dB
THDTotal Harmonic Distortion-65.4-63.0-62.1dB
Noise RMST = 25°C-1.0-mV
Table 39-18. Single-Ended Mode (Device Variant B, C, D and L)
ENOBEffective Number of BitsWith gain compensation-9.710.1Bits
TUETotal Unadjusted Error1x gain-7.940.0LSB
INLIntegral Non-Linearity1x gain1.42.66.0LSB
DNLDifferential Non-Linearity1x gain+/-0.6+/-0.7+/-0.95LSB
GEGain ErrorExt. Ref. 1x-5.00.6+5.0mV
Gain Accuracy(4)Ext. Ref. 0.5x+/-0.1+/-0.37+/-0.55%
Ext. Ref. 2x to 16X+/-0.01+/-0.1+/-0.2%
OEOffset ErrorExt. Ref. 1x-5.00.6+10.0mV
SFDRSpurious Free Dynamic Range1x Gain

FCLK_ADC = 2.1 MHz

FIN = 40 kHz

AIN = 95%FSR
SINADSignal-to-Noise and Distortion55.060.162.5dB
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio54.061.064.0dB
THDTotal Harmonic Distortion-69.0-68.0-65.0dB
Noise RMST = 25°C-1.0-mV
  1. Maximum numbers are based on characterization and not tested in production, and for 5% to 95% of the input voltage range.
  2. Respect the input common mode voltage through the following equations (where VCM_IN is the Input channel common mode voltage) for all VIN:
    • VCM_IN < 0.7*VDDANA + VREF/4 – 0.75V
    • VCM_IN > VREF/4 – 0.3*VDDANA - 0.1V
  3. The ADC channels on pins PA08, PA09, PA10, PA11 are powered from the VDDIO power supply. The ADC performance of these pins will not be the same as all the other ADC channels on pins powered from the VDDANA power supply.
  4. The gain accuracy represents the gain error expressed in percent. Gain accuracy (%) = (Gain Error in V x 100) / (Vref/GAIN)