34.8.9 Status C

STATUSC is a copy of STATUSA (see STATUSA register), with the additional feature of automatically starting single-shot comparisons. A read of STATUSC will start a comparison on all comparators currently configured for single-shot operation. The read will stall the bus until all enabled comparators are ready. If a comparator is already busy with a comparison, the read will stall until the current comparison is compete, and a new comparison will not be started.

Offset: 0x0A
Reset: 0x00

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRR 
Reset 0000 

Bits 5:4 – WSTATE0[1:0] Window 0 Current State

These bits show the current state of the signal if the window 0 mode is enabled.

0x0 ABOVE Signal is above window
0x1 INSIDE Signal is inside window
0x2 BELOW Signal is below window
0x3 Reserved

Bits 0, 1 – STATEx Comparator x Current State

This bit shows the current state of the output signal from COMPx. STATEx is valid only when STATUSB.READYx is one.