35.8.2 Control B

Offset: 0x01
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 7:6 – REFSEL[1:0] Reference Selection

This bit field selects the Reference Voltage for the DAC.

Note: INT1V is the buffered internal reference of 1.0V, derived from the internal 1.1V bandgap reference.
0x0 INT1V Internal voltage reference
0x1 VDDANA Analog voltage supply
0x2 VREFA External reference
0x3 Reserved

Bit 4 – BDWP Bypass DATABUF Write Protection

This bit can bypass DATABUF write protection.

0 DATABUF register is write-protected by Peripheral Access Controller.
1 DATABUF register is not write-protected.

Bit 3 – VPD Voltage Pump Disabled

This bit controls the behavior of the voltage pump.

0 Voltage pump is turned on/off automatically
1 Voltage pump is disabled.

Bit 2 – LEFTADJ Left-Adjusted Data

This bit controls how the 10-bit conversion data is adjusted in the Data and Data Buffer registers.

0 DATA and DATABUF registers are right-adjusted.
1 DATA and DATABUF registers are left-adjusted.

Bit 1 – IOEN Internal Output Enable

0 Internal DAC output not enabled.
1 Internal DAC output enabled to be used by the AC.

Bit 0 – EOEN External Output Enable

0 The DAC output is turned off.
1 The high-drive output buffer drives the DAC output to the internal ADC Positive Mux Input Selection and to the VOUT pin.