39.8.5 Ultra Low-Power Internal 32 kHz RC Oscillator (OSCULP32K) Characteristics

Table 39-43. Ultra Low-Power Internal 32 kHz RC Oscillator Characteristics (Device Variant A)
fOUTOutput frequencyCalibrated against a 32.768 kHz reference at 25°C, over [-40, +125]°C, over [1.62, 3.63]V25.55932.76840.305kHz
Calibrated against a 32.768 kHz reference at 25°C, at VDD = 3.3V31.29332.76834.570
Calibrated against a 32.768 kHz reference at 25°C, over [1.62, 3.63]V31.29332.76834.570
tSTARTUPStart-up time-10-cycles
DutyDuty Cycle-50-%
Table 39-44. Ultra Low-Power Internal 32 kHz RC Oscillator Characteristics (Device Variant B, C, D and L)
fOUTOutput frequencyCalibrated against a 32.768 kHz reference at 25°C, over [-40, +125]°C, over [1.62, 3.63]V25.55932.76840.305kHz
Calibrated against a 32.768 kHz reference at 25°C, at VDD = 3.3V31.29332.76834.570
Calibrated against a 32.768 kHz reference at 25°C, over [1.62, 3.63]V31.29332.76834.570
DutyDuty Cycle-50-%
  1. These values are based on simulation, and are not covered by test limits in production or characterization.
  2. This oscillator is always on.