37.16.3 SERCOM in I2C Mode Timing

This section describes the requirements for devices connected to the I2C Interface Bus.

Figure 37-22. I2C Interface Bus Timing
Table 37-68. I2C Interface Timing (Device Variant A)
tRRise time for both SDA and SCLStandard / Fast ModeICb(2) = 400pF-215300ns

Mode +

ICb(2) = 550pF60100
High Speed ModeICb(2) = 100pF2040
tOFOutput fall time from VIHmin to VILmax Standard / Fast Mode10pF < Cb(2) < 400pF20.050.0

Mode +

10pF < Cb(2) < 550pF15.050.0
High Speed Mode10pF < Cb(2)< 100pF10.040.0
tHD;STAHold time (repeated) START conditionfSCL > 100 kHz, HosttLOW-9--
tLOWLow period of SCL ClockfSCL > 100 kHz113--
tBUFBus free time between a STOP and a START conditionfSCL > 100 kHztLOW--
tSU;STASetup time for a repeated START conditionfSCL > 100 kHz, HosttLOW+7--
tHD;DATData hold timefSCL > 100 kHz, Host9-12
tSU;DATData setup timefSCL > 100 kHz, Host104--
tSU;STOSetup time for STOP conditionfSCL > 100 kHz, HosttLOW+9--
tSU;DAT;rx Data setup time (receive mode)fSCL > 100 kHz, Client51-56
tHD;DAT;txData hold time (send mode)fSCL > 100 kHz, Client7190138
Table 37-69. I2C Interface Timing (Device Variant B,C and D)
tRRise time for both SDA and SCLStandard / Fast ModeCb(2) = 400pF-230350ns

Mode +

Cb(2) = 550pF60100
High Speed ModeCb(2) = 100pF3060
tOFOutput fall time from VIHmin to VILmax Standard / Fast Mode10pF < Cb(2) < 400pF2550

Mode +

10pF < Cb(2) < 550pF2030
High Speed Mode10pF < Cb(2) < 100pF1020
tHD;STAHold time (repeated) START conditionfSCL > 100 kHz, HosttLOW-9--
tLOWLow period of SCL ClockfSCL > 100 kHz113--
tBUFBus free time between a STOP and a START conditionfSCL > 100 kHztLOW--
tSU;STASetup time for a repeated START conditionfSCL > 100 kHz, HosttLOW+7--
tHD;DATData hold timefSCL > 100 kHz, Host9-12
tSU;DATData setup timefSCL > 100 kHz, Host104--
tSU;STOSetup time for STOP conditionfSCL > 100 kHz, HosttLOW+9--
tSU;DAT;rx Data setup time (receive mode)fSCL > 100 kHz, Client51-56
tHD;DAT;txData hold time (send mode)fSCL > 100 kHz, Client7190138
  1. These values are based on simulation. These values are not covered by test limits in production.
  2. Cb = Capacitive load on each bus line. Otherwise noted, value of Cb set to 20pF.