13.13.9 Device Identification

The information in this register is related to the Ordering Information.

Name: DID
Offset: 0x0018
Property: PAC Write Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset ppppffff 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset fssssss 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset ddddrrrr 
Bit 76543210 
Reset xxxxxxxx 

Bits 31:28 – PROCESSOR[3:0] Processor

The value of this field defines the processor used on the device. For this device, the value of this field is 0x1, corresponding to the ARM Cortex-M0+ processor.

Bits 27:23 – FAMILY[4:0] Product Family

The value of this field corresponds to the product family part of the ordering code. For this device, the value of this field is 0x0, corresponding to the SAM D family of base line microcontrollers.

Bits 21:16 – SERIES[5:0] Product Series

The value of this field corresponds to the product series part of the ordering code. For this device, the value of this field is 0x01, corresponding to a product with the Cortex-M0+ processor with DMA and USB features.

Bits 15:12 – DIE[3:0] Die Number

Identifies the die family.

Bits 11:8 – REVISION[3:0] Revision Number

Identifies the die revision number. Refer the product family silicon errata and data sheet clarification document for further information.

Note: The device variant (last letter of the ordering number) is independent of the die revision (DSU.DID.REVISION): The device variant denotes functional differences, whereas the die revision marks evolution of the die.

Bits 7:0 – DEVSEL[7:0] Device Selection

This bit field identifies a device within a product family and product series. The value corresponds to the Flash memory density, pin count and device variant parts of the ordering code. The Family Silicon Device Identification table in the “SAM D21/DA1 Family Silicon Errata” document provides the link between DEVSEL and part number.