17.8.10 DFLL48M Control

Offset: 0x24
Reset: 0x0080
Property: Write-Protected, Write-Synchronized

Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 100000 

Bit 11 – WAITLOCK Wait Lock

This bit controls the DFLL output clock, depending on lock status:

0 Output clock before the DFLL is locked
1 Output clock when DFLL is locked

Bit 10 – BPLCKC Bypass Coarse Lock

This bit controls the coarse lock procedure:

0 Bypass coarse lock is disabled
1 Bypass coarse lock is enabled

Bit 9 – QLDIS Quick Lock Disable

0 Quick Lock is enabled
1 Quick Lock is disabled

Bit 8 – CCDIS Chill Cycle Disable

0 Chill Cycle is enabled
1 Chill Cycle is disabled

Bit 7 – ONDEMAND On Demand Control

The On Demand operation mode allows an oscillator to be enabled or disabled depending on peripheral clock requests.

In On Demand operation mode (i.e., if the ONDEMAND bit has been previously written to one), the oscillator will only be running when requested by a peripheral. If there is no peripheral requesting the oscillator s clock source, the oscillator will be in a disabled state.

If On Demand is disabled the oscillator will always be running when enabled.

In Standby Sleep mode, the On Demand operation is still active if the DFLLCTRL.RUNSTDBY bit is one. If DFLLCTRL.RUNSTDBY is zero, the oscillator is disabled.

0 The oscillator is always on, if enabled
1 The oscillator is enabled when a peripheral is requesting the oscillator to be used as a clock source. The oscillator is disabled if no peripheral is requesting the clock source.

Bit 5 – USBCRM USB Clock Recovery Mode

0 USB Clock Recovery mode is disabled
1 USB Clock Recovery mode is enabled

Bit 4 – LLAW Lose Lock After Wake

0 Locks will not be lost after waking up from Sleep modes if the DFLL clock has been stopped
1 Locks will be lost after waking up from Sleep modes if the DFLL clock has been stopped

Bit 3 – STABLE Stable DFLL Frequency

0 FINE calibration tracks changes in output frequency
1 FINE calibration register value will be fixed after a fine lock

Bit 2 – MODE Operating Mode Selection

0 The DFLL operates in open-loop operation
1 The DFLL operates in closed-loop operation

Bit 1 – ENABLE DFLL Enable

Due to synchronization, there is a delay from updating the register until the peripheral is enabled/disabled. The value written to DFLLCTRL.ENABLE will read back immediately after written.

0 The DFLL oscillator is disabled
1 The DFLL oscillator is enabled