37.8.2 USB Peripheral Power Consumption

Default conditions, except where noted:

  • Operating conditions
    • VVDDIN = 3.3 V
  • Oscillators
    • XOSC32K (32 kHz crystal oscillator) running with external 32kHz crystal in USB Host mode
  • Clocks
    • USB Device mode: DFLL48M in USB recovery mode (Crystal less)
    • USB Host mode: DFLL48M in closed loop with XOSC32K (32 kHz crystal oscillator) running with external 32kHz crystal
    • CPU, AHB and APBn clocks undivided
  • The following AHB module clocks are running: NVMCTRL, HPB2 bridge, HPB1 bridge, HPB0 bridge
    • All other AHB clocks stopped
  • I/Os are inactive with internal pull-up
  • CPU in IDLE0 mode
  • Cache enabled
  • BOD33 disabled

In this default conditions, the power consumption Idefault is measured.

Measurements do not include consumption of clock source (ex: DFLL48M or FDPLL96M) and CPU. However no CPU activity is required during all states (Suspend, IDLE, Data transfer).

Measurements have been done with an USB cable of 1.5m.

For USB Device mode, measurements include the maximum consumption (200μA) through pull-up resistor on the D+ line for USB attach. This value depends on USB Host characteristic.

Operating modes:

  • Run the USB Device/Host states in regards of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) v2.0 standard.

USB power consumption is provided in the following tables.

Table 37-13. Typical USB Device Full Speed mode Current Consumption
USB Device stateConditionsTyp.Units
SuspendGCLK_USB is off, using USB wakeup asynchronous interrupt.

USB bus in suspend mode.

SuspendGCLK_USB is on.

USB bus in suspend mode.

IDLEStart Of Frame is running.

No packet transferred.

Active OUTStart Of Frame is running.

Bulk OUT on 100% bandwidth.

Active INStart Of Frame is running.

Bulk IN on 100% bandwidth.

Table 37-14. Typical USB Host Full Speed mode Current Consumption
USB Device stateConditionsTyp.Units
Wait connectionGCLK_USB is off, using USB wakeup asynchronous interrupt.

USB bus not connected.

Wait connectionGCLK_USB is on.

USB bus not connected.

SuspendGCLK_USB is off, using USB wakeup asynchronous interrupt.

USB bus in suspend mode.

SuspendGCLK_USB is on.

USB bus in suspend mode.

IDLEStart Of Frame is running.

No packet transferred.

Active OUTStart Of Frame is running.

Bulk OUT on 100% bandwidth.

Active INStart Of Frame is running.

Bulk IN on 100% bandwidth.
