51.22 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Electrical Specifications

Figure 51-13. SPIx Host Module CPHA = 0 Timing Diagrams
Figure 51-14. SPIx Host Module CPHA = 1 Timing Diagrams
Table 51-31. SPIx Module Host Mode Electrical Specifications (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDREG = VDDIO = AVDD 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristics (1)Min.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
MSP_1FSCKSCK FrequencyNormal Speed SERCOM21.3MHzTransmitter mode, CTRB.RXEN = 0.

VDDIOx = 1.8V or 3.3 V,

CLOAD = 30 pF(max)

21.3Full Duplex Transmit and Receive modes,

Loop-Back mode with one SPI communicating to another SPI on the same MCU.

VDDIOx = 1.8V or 3.3V,

CLOAD = 30 pF(max)

1/(2*(TMIS+NOTE2_TV)) (2)Full Duplex Transmit and Receive modes,

CLOAD = 30pF(max).

The maximum SPI speed of the MCU is partially dependent on the external SPI device performance characteristics.

Faster speeds than the Loop-Back mode above may therefore be possible using the formula.

High-Speed SERCOM (3)48.1MHzTransmitter mode,


VDDIOx = 1.8V or 3.3 V,

CLOAD = 20 pF(max)

1/(2*(TMIS_HS+NOTE2_TV)) (2)Full-Duplex Transmit and Receive modes,

CLOAD = 20pF(max).

The maximum SPI speed of the MCU is partially dependent on the external SPI device performance characteristics.

Faster speeds than the Loop-Back mode above may therefore be possible using the formula.

MSP_3TSCLSCK Output Low Time1/(2*FSCK)µs
MSP_5TSCHSCK Output High Time1/(2*FSCK)µs
MSP_7TSCFSCK and MOSI Output Fall TimeDI_27 or DI_31nsSee parameter in I/O Specifications
MSP_9TSCRSCK and MOSI Output Rise TimeDI_25 or DI_29nsSee parameter in I/O Specifications
MSP_11TMOVMOSI Data Output Valid after SCKNormal Speed SERCOM10ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)4ns
MSP_13TMOHMOSI hold after SCK0ns
MSP_15ATMISMISO Setup Time of Data Input to SCKNormal Speed SERCOM15ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)1ns
MSP_17TMIHMISO Hold Time of Data Input to SCKNormal Speed SERCOM0ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)2ns
MSP_19SPI_GCLKSERCOM SPI input clock frequencies, GCLK_SPIFCLK_23MHz
  1. Assuming 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.
  2. NOTE2_TV is the client external device data output valid time from clock edge specification.
  3. SERCOM0 pins: PC10, PC11, PC12, PC13.
Figure 51-15. SPIx Client Mode CPHA = 0 Timing Diagrams
Figure 51-16. SPIx Client Mode CPHA = 1 Timing Diagrams
Table 51-32. SPIx Module Client Mode Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDREG = VDDIO = AVDD 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristics (1)Min.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
SSP_1FSCKSCK FrequencyNormal Speed SERCOM21.3MHzReceiver mode.

VDDIOx = 1.8V or 3.3V,

CLOAD = 30 pF(max)

21.3Full-Duplex Transmit and Receive modes,

Loop-Back mode with one SPI communicating to another SPI on the same MCU.

VDDIOx = 1.8V or 3.3V,

CLOAD = 30 pF(max)

1/(2*(TSOV+NOTE2_TMIS)) (2)Full- Duplex Transmit and Receive modes,

CLOAD = 30pf(max).

The max SPI speed of the MCU is partially dependent on the external SPI device performance characteristics.

Faster speeds than the Loop-Back mode above may therefore be possible using the formula.

High-Speed SERCOM (3)48.1MHzReceiver mode.

VDDIOx = 1.8V or 3.3V,

CLOAD = 20 pF(max)

1/(2*(TSOV_HS+NOTE2_TMIS)) (2)Full-Duplex Transmit and Receive modes,

CLOAD = 20pF(max).

The maximum SPI speed of the MCU is partially dependent on the external SPI device performance characteristics.

Faster speeds than the Loop-Back mode above may therefore be possible using the formula.

SSP_3TSCLSCK Output Low Time1/(2*FSCK)µs
SSP_5TSCHSCK Output High Time1/(2*FSCK)µs
SSP_7TSCFSCK and MOSI Output Fall TimeDI_27 or DI_31nsSee parameter in I/O spec
SSP_9TSCRSCK and MOSI Output Rise TimeDI_25 or DI_29nsSee parameter in I/O spec
SSP_11ATSOVMISO Data Output Valid after SCKNormal Speed SERCOM25ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)10ns
SSP_13TSOHMISO hold after SCK4ns
SSP_15TSISMOSI Setup Time of Data Input to SCKNormal Speed SERCOM6ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)2ns
SSP_17TSIHMOSI Hold Time of Data Input to SCKNormal Speed SERCOM0ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)1ns
SSP_19TSSSSS setup to SCK (PRELOADEN=0)Normal Speed SERCOM5ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)2ns
SSP_21TSSHSS hold after SCK ClientNormal Speed SERCOM0ns
High Speed SERCOM (3)1ns
  1. Assuming and 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.
  2. NOTE2_TMIS is the Host external device setup time.
  3. SERCOM0 pins: PC10, PC11, PC12, PC13.