21.1 Overview
The 32 KHz Oscillators Controller (OSC32KCTRL) provides a user interface to the 32.768kHz oscillators:
- A 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (XOSC32K)
- A 32.768 kHz ultra low-power internal RC oscillator (OSCULP32K)
The OSC32KCTRL sub-peripherals can be enabled, disabled, calibrated, and monitored through interface registers. All sub-peripheral statuses are collected in the Status register (STATUS). They can additionally trigger interrupts upon status changes through the INTENSET, INTENCLR, and INTFLAG registers. The OSC32KCTRL provides clock sources to the Generic Clock Controller (GCLK), Real-Time Counter (RTC), Watchdog Timer (WDT), Hardware Security Module (HSM), and Reset Power Management Unit (RPMU).