
Before enabling event routing within the system, the Event Users Multiplexer and Event Channels must be selected in the Event System (EVSYS), and the two peripherals that generate and use the event have to be configured. The recommended sequence is:

  1. In the event generator peripheral, enable output of event by writing a '1' to the respective Event Output Enable bit ("EO") in the peripheral's Event Control register (i.e., TCC.EVCTRL.MCEO1, AC.EVCTRL.WINEO0, RTC.EVCTRL.OVFEO).
  2. Configure the EVSYS:
    1. Configure the Event User multiplexer by writing the respective EVSYS.USERm register, see User Multiplexer Setup.
    2. Configure the Event Channel by writing the respective EVSYS.CHANNELn register, see Event System Channel.
  3. Configure the action to be executed by the event user peripheral by writing to the Event Action bits (EVACT) in the respective Event control register (i.e., TC.EVCTRL.EVACT, PDEC.EVCTRL.EVACT). Note: not all peripherals require this step.
  4. In the event user peripheral, enable event input by writing a '1' to the respective Event Input Enable bit ("EI") in the peripheral's Event Control register (i.e., AC.EVCTRL.IVEI0, ADC.EVCTRL.STARTEI).