Table 35-8. Register Bit Attribute Legend
RReadable bitHCCleared by Hardware(Grey cell)Unimplemented
WWritable bitHSSet by HardwareXBit is unknown at Reset
KWrite to clearSSoftware settable bit
Name: CFG
Offset: 0x108
Reset: 0x0000
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 27:24 – CSEN[3:0] Chip Select Output Enable bits <1:0>

1111Chip Select 3, 2, 1 and 0 are used
1110Chip Select 3, 2 and 1 are used
1101Chip Select 3, 2 and 0 are used
1100Chip Select 3 and 2 are used
1011Chip Select 3, 1 and 0 are used
1010Chip Select 3 and 1 are used
1001Chip Select 3 and 0 are used
1000Chip Select 3 is used
0111Chip Select 2, 1 and 0 are used
0110Chip Select 2 and 1 are used
0101Chip Select 2 and 0 are used
0100Chip Select 2 is used
0011Chip Select 1 and 0 are used
0010Chip Select 1 is used
0001Chip Select 0 is used
0000No chip is selected

Bit 23 – SQIEN SQI Enable bit

1SQI module is enabled
0SQI module is disabled

Bits 21:20 – DATAEN[1:0] Data Output Enable bits <1:0>

10SQID3-SQID0 outputs are enabled
01SQID1 and SQID0 data outputs are enabled
00SQID0 data output is enabled

Bit 19 – CONBUFRST Control Buffer Reset bit

1A reset pulse is generated clearing the control buffer
0A reset pulse is not generated

Bit 18 – RXBUFRST Receive Buffer Reset bit

1A reset pulse is generated clearing the receive buffer
0A reset pulse is not generated

Bit 17 – TXBUFRST Transmit Buffer Reset bit

1A reset pulse is generated clearing the transmit buffer
0A reset pulse is not generated

Bit 16 – RESET Software Reset Select bit

1A reset pulse is generated
0A reset pulse is not generated

Bits 14:13 – Reserved[1:0]

Must be programmed as ‘0’

Bit 12 – BURSTEN Burst Configuration bit

Note: This bit must be programmed as'1'.
1Burst is enabled
0Burst is not enabled

Bit 11 – Reserved

Must be programmed as ‘0’

Bit 10 – HOLD Hold bit

In Single Lane or Dual Lane mode, this bit is used to drive the SQID3 pin, which can be used for devices with a HOLD input pin. The meaning of the values for this bit will depend on the device to which SQID3 is connected.

Bit 9 – WP Write Protect bit

In Single Lane or Dual Lane mode, this bit is used to drive the SQID2 pin, which can be used with devices with a write-protect pin. The meaning of the values for this bit will depend on the device to which SQID2 is connected.

Bits 8:6 – Reserved[2:0]

Must be programmed as ‘0’

Bit 5 – LSBF Data Format Select bit

1LSB is sent or received first
0MSB is sent or received first

Bit 4 – CPOL Clock Polarity Select bit

1Active-low SQICLK (SQICLK high is the Idle state)
0Active-high SQICLK (SQICLK low is the Idle state)

Bit 3 – CPHA Clock Phase Select bit

1SQICLK starts toggling at the start of the first data bit
0SQICLK starts toggling at the middle of the first data bit

Bits 2:0 – MODE[2:0] Mode Select bits <2:0>

011XIP mode is selected (when this mode is entered, the module behaves as if executing in place (XIP), but uses the register data to control timing)
010DMA mode is selected
001CPU mode is selected (the module is controlled by the CPU in PIO mode. This mode is entered when leaving Boot or XIP mode)