Slot Cycle Limit Arbitration

The MATRIX contains specific logic to break long accesses, such as very long bursts on a very slow client (e.g., an external low speed memory). At each arbitration time, a counter is loaded with the value previously written in the SLOT_CYCLE field of the related Client Configuration register (MATRIX_SCFG) and decreased at each clock cycle. When the counter elapses, the arbiter has the ability to rearbitrate at the end of the current system bus access cycle.

Unless a host has a very tight access latency constraint, which could lead to data overflow or underflow due to a badly undersized internal FIFO with respect to its throughput, the Slot Cycle Limit should be disabled (SLOT_CYCLE = 0) or set to its default maximum value in order not to inefficiently break long bursts performed by some hosts.

In most cases, this feature is not needed and should be disabled for power saving.


This feature cannot prevent any client from locking its access indefinitely.