6.4 AVR32GENERIC ID Definitions
This section includes the header file defining the different command and response IDs for the AVR32 protocol. It also defines the different possible failure codes.
enum Avr32GenericCommands { AVR32_CMD_QUERY = 0x00, //! Capability discovery AVR32_CMD_SET = 0x01, //! Set parameters AVR32_CMD_GET = 0x02, //! Get parameters AVR32_CMD_ACTIVATE_PHYSICAL = 0x03, //! Connect physically AVR32_CMD_DEACTIVATE_PHYSICAL = 0x04, //! Disconnect physically AVR32_CMD_GET_ID = 0x10, //! Read the ID AVR32_CMD_ERASE = 0x11, //! Erase the device AVR32_CMD_HALT = 0x12, //! Stop or start execution AVR32_CMD_RESET = 0x13, //! Apply or release reset AVR32_CMD_STEP = 0x14, //! Single step AVR32_CMD_READ = 0x15, //! Read memory AVR32_CMD_WRITE = 0x16, //! Write memory AVR32_CMD_TAP = 0x17, //! Low-level JTAG commands AVR32_CMD_IS_PROTECTED = 0x18, //! Check protected bit AVR32_CMD_ERASE_SECTION = 0x19 //! Partial erase }; enum Avr32GenericResponses { AVR32_RSP_FAILED = 0xA0, //! Execution failed AVR32_RSP_OK = 0x80, //! All OK AVR32_RSP_LIST = 0x81, //! List of items returned AVR32_RSP_ID = 0x82, //! ID value returned AVR32_RSP_PC = 0x83, //! PC value returned AVR32_RSP_DATA = 0x84 //! Data returned }; enum Avr32GenericQueryContexts { AVR32_QUERY_COMMANDS = 0x00, //! Supported command list AVR32_QUERY_CONFIGURATION = 0x05, //! Supported configuration list AVR32_QUERY_READ_MEMTYPES = 0x06, //! Supported read memtypes list AVR32_QUERY_WRITE_MEMTYPES = 0x07, //! Supported write memtypes list AVR32_QUERY_COMMAND_VERSIONS = 0x08 //! Version map of command list }; enum Avr32GenericSetGetContexts { AVR32_CTXT_USB = 0x03, //! Transport-related settings AVR32_CTXT_SESSION = 0x04, //! Session-related settings AVR32_CTXT_PHYSICAL = 0x80, //! Physical interface related AVR32_CTXT_DEVICE = 0x82, //! Device specific settings }; enum Avr32GenericSessionContextParameters { AVR32_SESS_RUN_LED = 0x00, //! Control the LED }; enum Avr32GenericUsbContextParameters { AVR32_USB_MAX_READ = 0x00, //! Read payload size AVR32_USB_MAX_WRITE = 0x01 //! Write payload size }; enum Avr32GenericPhysicalContextParameters { AVR32_PHY_PHYSICAL = 0x00, //! Physical interface selector AVR32_PHYL_JTAG_CLOCK = 0x01, //! JTAG clock value AVR32_PHY_AW_MAXBAUD = 0x02, //! Maximum aWire baud AVR32_PHY_DAISY = 0x03, //! JTAG daisy chain settings AVR32_PHY_AWIRE_BAUD = 0x04, //! Current aWire baud AVR32_PHY_AWIRE_VERSION = 0x05, //! aWire slave version AVR32_PHY_EXT_RESET = 0x0C, //! External reset control }; enum Avr32GenericDeviceContext { AVR32_FLASH_CTRL_BASE = 0x02, //! Flash controller base address AVR32_FLASH_PAGEBYTES = 0x06, //! Number of bytes in one flash page AVR32_RESET_DOMAINS = 0x0A, //! Number of reset domains AVR32_FLASH_PAGES = 0x0B, //! Number of pages in the flash block AVR32_AWIRE_BASE = 0x10 //! Base address for aWire module }; enum Avr32GenericMemoryTypes { AVR32_MEMTYPE_SAB = 0x80, //! Service Access Bus (SAB) word access AVR32_MEMTYPE_NEXUS = 0x81, //! Nexus mode access to SAB AVR32_MEMTYPE_MEMORY_SERVICE = 0x82, //! Memory Service mode access to SAB AVR32_MEMTYPE_BLOCK = 0x83, //! Block access to SAB AVR32_MEMTYPE_BYTE = 0x84, //! 8-bit access to SAB AVR32_MEMTYPE_HALF_WORD = 0x85, //! 16-bit access to SAB AVR32_MEMTYPE_INTERNAL_FLASH = 0x90, //! Write access to internal FLASH AVR32_MEMTYPE_SYSREG = 0x91, //! Access to system registers AVR32_MEMTYPE_REGFILE = 0x92, //! Access to register file AVR32_MEMTYPE_USER_PAGE = 0x93 //! Access to User Page in flash }; enum Avr32GenericPhysicalInterfaces { AVR32_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE_NONE = 0x00, //! No physical AVR32_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE_JTAG = 0x04, //! JTAG physical AVR32_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE_AWIRE = 0x07 //! aWire physical }; enum Avr32TapCommands { AVR32_TAP_IR = 0x00, //! JTAG Instruction Register access AVR32_TAP_DR = 0x01 //! JTAG Data Register access }; enum Avr32GenericFailureCodes { AVR32_FAILURE_OK = 0x00, //! All OK AVR32_FAILURE_NACK = 0x01, //! NACK received from target AVR32_FAILURE_LENGTH = 0x02, //! Incorrect packet length AVR32_FAILURE_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 0x03, //! Receive function timeout AVR32_FAILURE_RECEIVE_SYNC = 0x04, //! Receive did not sync AVR32_FAILURE_RECEIVE_LENGTH = 0x05, //! Incorrect packet length AVR32_FAILURE_TRANSMIT_OVERFLOW = 0x06, //! Transmit buffer overflow AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_MEMTYPE = 0x07, //! Invalid memtype given AVR32_FAILURE_WRITE_ERROR = 0x08, //! A write error occurred AVR32_FAILURE_WRITE_BUSY = 0x09, //! Busy signal received AVR32_FAILURE_READ_SHORT = 0x0A, //! Short-packet received AVR32_FAILURE_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 0x0B, //! Erase command timeout AVR32_FAILURE_FLASHREADY_TIMEOUT = 0x0C, //! Flash controller busy AVR32_FAILURE_ILLEGAL_STATE = 0x0D, //! Illegal state specified AVR32_FAILURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0E, //! Feature not supported AVR32_FAILURE_PROGE = 0x0F, //! Programming error AVR32_FAILURE_LOCKE = 0x10, //! Lock error AVR32_FAILURE_STEP_TIMEOUT = 0x11, //! Single stepping timeout AVR32_FAILURE_READ_BUSY = 0x12, //! Busy bit was set AVR32_FAILURE_READ_ERROR = 0x13, //! Error bit was set AVR32_FAILURE_HARDWARE_ERROR = 0x14, //! aWire hardware init error AVR32_FAILURE_NO_CONTACT = 0x15, //! No response from aWire AVR32_FAILURE_NO_TARGET_POWER = 0x16, //! No target power AVR32_FAILURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0x17, //! Command not implemented AVR32_FAILURE_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE = 0x18, //! Hardware not supported AVR32_FAILURE_JTAGM_INIT_ERROR = 0x19, //! JTAG master init error AVR32_FAILURE_NO_DEVICE_FOUND = 0x1A, //! devices == 0! AVR32_FAILURE_JTAGM_ERROR = 0x1B, //! JTAG master error AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_SIZE = 0x1D, //! Too many or too few bytes AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_ADDRESS = 0x1E, //! Bad address requested AVR32_FAILURE_AWIRE_SET_BAUD_ERROR = 0x1F, //! Failure setting baud AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_DATA = 0x20, //! Data invalid, discard it AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_PHYSICAL_MODE = 0x21, //! Physical mode not valid AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_CLOCK_SPEED = 0x22, //! The clock is not valid AVR32_FAILURE_AWIRE_ERROR_RESPONSE = 0x23, //! Error response received AVR32_FAILURE_AWIRE_OVERFLOW = 0x24, //! Overflow data RX overflow AVR32_FAILURE_AWM_ERROR = 0x24, //! aWire master error AVR32_FAILURE_AWIRE_CRC = 0x25, //! aWire CRC error AVR32_FAILURE_AWIRE_TUNE = 0x26, //! aWire TUNE error AVR32_FAILURE_JTAGM_WAS_BUSY = 0x29, //! JTAG master busy AVR32_FAILURE_JTAGM_TIMEOUT = 0x2A, //! JTAG master timeout AVR32_FAILURE_BAD_VALUE = 0x2B, //! Invalid parameter value AVR32_FAILURE_ERASE_ERROR = 0x2C, //! Erase error AVR32_FAILURE_CONFIG_ERROR = 0x2D, //! Insufficient config info AVR32_FAILURE_INVALID_EMULATOR_MODE = 0x2E, //! Mode is not valid AVR32_FAILURE_CPU_DIRTY_TIMEOUT = 0x2F, //! CPU wait timeout AVR32_FAILURE_CPU_MODE = 0x30, //! CPU not in debug mode AVR32_FAILURE_CPU_DEBUG_MODE_TIMEOUT = 0x31, //! CPU debug mode timeout AVR32_FAILURE_AWIRE_RW_STATUS = 0x32, //! Unexpected status AVR32_FAILURE_TRANSMIT_TIMEOUT = 0x33, //! Data TX timeout AVR32_FAILURE_INTERNAL_RESPONSE_ERROR = 0xFE, //! Near disaster AVR32_FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 0xFF, //! Disaster };