
Authors: Alexandru Niculae, Catalin Visan, Microchip Technology Inc.

The purpose of this document is to describe step-by-step how to use the microcontroller’s pins as General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) on Microchip tinyAVR® 0- and 1-series, megaAVR® 0-series and AVR® DA devices. The following use cases are presented:

  • Blink an LED:

    Blink an LED using a delay, toggling the LED every 500 ms.

  • Long and Short Button Press:

    Use a pin as input to distinguish between a long and short button press, defined by a delay threshold. An LED will toggle every 100 ms if a long press is detected, and every 500 ms if a short press is detected.

  • Wake-Up On Button Press:

    Exit sleep on button press, turn on an LED, and go back to sleep. On button release - exit sleep, turn off the LED, and go back to sleep.

Note: For each use case described in this document, there are two code examples: One bare metal developed on ATmega4809, and one generated with MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) developed on AVR128DA48.