33.5.1 Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bit 7 – RUNSTDBY Run in Standby

This bit determines whether the ADC still runs during Standby.

0 ADC will not run in Standby sleep mode. An ongoing conversion will finish before the ADC enters sleep mode
1 ADC will run in Standby sleep mode

Bit 5 – CONVMODE Conversion Mode

This bit defines if the ADC is working in Single-Ended or Differential mode.

0x0 SINGLEENDED The ADC is operating in Single-Ended mode where only the positive input is used. The ADC result is presented as an unsigned value.
0x1 DIFF The ADC is operating in Differential mode where both positive and negative inputs are used. The ADC result is presented as a signed value.

Bit 4 – LEFTADJ Left Adjust Result

Writing a ‘1’ to this bit will enable left adjustment of the ADC result.

Bits 3:2 – RESSEL[1:0] Resolution Selection

This bit field selects the ADC resolution. When changing the resolution from 12-bit to 10-bit, the conversion time is reduced from 13.5 CLK_ADC cycles to 11.5 CLK_ADC cycles.

0x00 12-bit resolution
0x01 10-bit resolution
Other Reserved

Bit 1 – FREERUN Free-Running

Writing a ‘1’ to this bit will enable the Free-Running mode for the ADC. The first conversion is started by writing a ‘1’ to the Start Conversion (STCONV) bit in the Command (ADCn.COMMAND) register.

Bit 0 – ENABLE ADC Enable

0 ADC is disabled
1 ADC is enabled