6 Revision History

A concise summary of the changes for each version of the AVR API Reference.

Revision Date Section Description
23 03/2024 System Drivers Updated API Documentation for the AVR Configuration Bits System Drivers.
22 03/2024 Libraries Added API Documentation for USB Stack Library
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Added API Documentation for USB PLIB
21 02/2024 System Drivers Updated metadata for AVR Pin Manager
20 01/2024 Libraries Updated API Documentation for the Ethernet Driver Library.
19 12/2023 Drivers Added API Documentation for the following Drivers:
  • Timeout Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • SPI with Control and Status Registers
  • Updated API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • SPI
18 10/23 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Restructured PLIB sections.
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • Memory for ATmegaXXX
    • OPAMP for AVR DB
System Drivers
  • Restructured System Driver sections.
  • Added API Documentation for the following System Drivers:
    • Clock Controller for ATmegaXXX
17 09/23 Libraries
  • Added API documentation for the Temperature Sensor Off-chip Device Driver.
  • Updated description for EEPROM Off-chip Device Driver.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs for the ATmegaXXX device family:
    • ADC
    • CFD
    • External Interrupt
    • TC8
    • TC8-Async
    • TC16
  • Updated device support lists.
System Drivers
  • Added API Documentation for the following System Drivers for the ATmegaXXX device family:
    • Configuration Bits
    • CPU
    • Interrupt Manager
    • Pin Manager
    • Enhanced WDT
16 08/23 Libraries
  • Added API Documentation for the Data Visualizer Run Time Library.
  • Updated API Documentation for I2C EEPROM Off-Chip Driver.
15 08/23 Introduction Updated description of Use Cases
14 08/23 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added API documentation for the following PLIBs for the AVRxxEBxx device family:
    • TCE
    • TCF
    • WEX
13 06/23 Libraries Added API Documentation for the TCP/IP Lite Driver Library.
12 06/23 Libraries Added API Documentation for the Ethernet Drivers Library.
11 05/23 Libraries Updated API Documentation for the Data Streamer Library.
Drivers Added Use Case examples and API Documentation for the Delay Blocking Driver.
10 03/23 Libraries
  • Added the API Documentation for the following off-chip drivers:
    • I2C Accel KXTJ3-1057 Driver
    • I2C Generic Eeprom Driver
    • I2C Color Sensor VEML3228 Driver
    • SPI Digipot MCP41HV51
  • Deprecated I2C EEPROM AT24CM02 Library.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Updated Configuration Bits API documentation.
9 12/2022 All Sections Webhelp page format changed from Tri-pane HTML to Responsive Tiles.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added API documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • CRCSCAN for AVR® Devices.
    • VREF for AVR® Dx and AVR® EA Devices.
    • ZCD for AVR® Dx Devices.
System Drivers
  • Added API documentation for the following System Drivers:
    • BOD for AVR® and ATtiny Devices.
    • Configuration Bits for AVR® Dx and AVR® EA Devices.
    • Sleep Control for AVR® and ATtiny Devices.
    • Windowed Watchdog Timer for AVR® and ATtiny Devices.
8 10/2022 Introduction
  • Added new section, Getting Started Use Cases
  • Added links to components with videos running the use cases.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added and updated the use case example demo videos for the following PLIBs:
    • ADC
    • RTC
  • Updated the API Documentation and examples for the following PLIBs:
    • Memory for AVR Dx Devices
    • Memory for ATtiny Devices
7 10/2022 Libraries Use case demo video link fixes
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
6 10/2022 Libraries Added use case demo videos for Data Streamer Library
Drivers Updated use case demo videos for UART Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Updated use case demo videos for TCA
  • Updated the API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • CCL
    • Memory for AVR Dx Devices
    • Memory for ATtiny Devices
  • Added and updated the use case examples
    • Memory for AVR Dx Devices
    • Memory for ATtiny Devices
  • Link fixes for PLIBs
5 10/2022 Drivers
  • Added use case demo videos for UART Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added MVIO API Documentation
  • Updated AC API Documentation
  • Updated DAC API Documentation
  • Updated use case examples page for USART
  • Link fixes for PLIBs
4 09/2022 Libraries
  • Updated use case examples and API Documentation for Data Streamer
  • Updated use case examples for UART Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added use case examples and API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • ADC
    • RTC
    • TCA
    • TCB
    • TCD
  • Link fixes for PLIBs
3 07/2022 Drivers Added sections for I2C Host and I2C Client use case examples and interface documentation
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Updated TWI sections to document PLIB-level functions only
2 04/2022 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Link Fixes
1 04/2022 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Initial Release