1.5 Configuring a PTP Boundary Clock using Web GUI

To configure a boundary clock, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Configuration > PTP.
  2. Click Add New PTP Clock.
  3. Configure the following properties:
    1. HW Domain = 0
    2. Device Type = Ord-Bound
    3. Profile = 1588
    Figure 1-11. Create Boundary Clock Instance
    A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Clock Instance link.
  6. The PTP Clock’s Configuration and Status page opens. Configure the following properties:
    1. Under the Port Enable and Configuration area, select the suitable ports.
    2. Under the Clock Default Dataset area, set the following:
      1. From the 2 Step Flag drop-down list, select True.
      2. In the Pri1 text box, type a lower number than the PTP slave.
    3. Under Port Enable and Configuration area, click Ports Configuration. The PTP clock’s Port Data Set Configuration page opens.
    Figure 1-12. Configure Boundary Clock Instance
  7. Click the required dom mode, p2p or e2e.
  8. Click Save.