33.2 Features

  • Low-Power, High-Sensitivity, Environmentally Robust Capacitive Touch Buttons, Sliders, and Wheels
  • Supports Wake-up on Touch from Standby Sleep Mode
  • Supports Mutual Capacitance and Self Capacitance Sensing
    • Mix-and-match mutual and self-capacitance sensors
  • One Pin per Electrode – No External Components
  • Load Compensating Charge Sensing
    • Parasitic capacitance compensation and adjustable gain for superior sensitivity
  • Zero Drift Over the Temperature and VDD Range
    • Auto-calibration and recalibration of sensors
  • Single-Shot and Free-Running Charge Measurement
  • Hardware Noise Filtering and Noise Signal Desynchronization for High Conducted Immunity
  • Driven Shield for Better Noise Immunity and Moisture Tolerance
    • Any PTC X/Y line can be used for the driven shield
    • All enabled sensors will be driven at the same potential as the sensor scanned
  • Selectable Channel Change Delay Allows Choosing the Settling Time on a New Channel, as Required
  • Acquisition-Start Triggered by Command or Through Auto-Triggering Feature
  • Low CPU Utilization Through Interrupt on Acquisition-Complete
  • Using ADC Peripheral for Signal Conversion and Acquisition