Clock Stretching for Other Client Operations

The I2C module provides three Interrupt and Hold Enable features:
  • Address Interrupt and Hold Enable
  • Data Write Interrupt and Hold Enable
  • Acknowledge Status Time Interrupt and Hold Enable
When clock stretching is enabled (CSD = 0), the Interrupt and Hold Enable features provide an interrupt response and stretch the clock to allow time for address recognition, data processing, or an ACK/NACK response.
The Address Interrupt and Hold Enable feature will generate an interrupt event and stretch the SCL line when a matching address is received. This feature is enabled by setting the Address Interrupt and Hold Enable (ADRIE) bit. When enabled (ADRIE = 1), the CSTR bit and the Address Interrupt Flag (ADRIF) bit are set by module hardware, and the SCL line is stretched following the 8th falling SCL edge of a received matching address. Once the client has completed processing the address, software determines whether to send an ACK or a NACK back to the host device. Client software must clear both the ADRIF and CSTR bits to resume communication.
Important: In 10-bit Client Addressing mode, clock stretching occurs only after the client receives a matching low address byte or a matching high address byte with the R/W bit = 1 (Host read) while the Client Mode Active (SMA) bit is set (SMA = 1). Clock stretching does not occur after the client receives a matching high address byte with the R/W bit = 0 (Host write).
The Data Write Interrupt and Hold Enable feature provides an interrupt event and stretches the SCL signal after the client receives a data byte. This feature is enabled by setting the Data Write Interrupt and Hold Enable (WRIE) bit. When enabled (WRIE = 1), module hardware sets both the CSTR bit and the Data Write Interrupt Flag (WRIF) bit and stretches the SCL line after the 8th falling edge of SCL. Once the client has read the new data, software determines whether to send an ACK or a NACK back to the host device. Client software must clear both the CSTR and WRIF bits to resume communication.
The Acknowledge Status Time Interrupt and Hold Enable feature generates an interrupt event and stretches the SCL line after the acknowledgement phase of a transaction. This feature is enabled by setting the Acknowledge Status Time Interrupt and Hold Enable (ACKTIE) bit. When enabled (ACKTIE = 1), module hardware sets the CSTR bit and the Acknowledge Status Time Interrupt Flag (ACKTIF) bit and stretches the clock after the 9th falling edge of SCL for all address, read, or write operations. Client software must clear both the ACKTIF and CSTR bits to resume communication.