15.6 Operation During Sleep
When the device enters Sleep, the Watchdog Timer is cleared. If the WWDT is enabled during Sleep, the Watchdog Timer resumes counting. When the device exits Sleep, the Watchdog Timer is cleared again. The Watchdog Timer remains clear until the Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) completes, if enabled. When a WWDT time-out occurs while the device is in Sleep, no Reset is generated. Instead, the device wakes up and resumes operation. The TO and PD bits in the STATUS register are changed to indicate the event. The RWDT bit in the PCON0 register indicates that a Watchdog Reset has occurred.
Conditions | WWDT |
WDTE = ‘b00 | Cleared |
WDTE = ‘b01 and SEN = 0 | |
WDTE = ‘b10 and enter Sleep | |
CLRWDT Command | |
Oscillator Fail Detected | |
Exit Sleep + System Clock = EXTRC, INTOSC, EXTCLK | |
Exit Sleep + System Clock = XT, HS, LP | Cleared until the end of OST |
Change INTOSC divider (NOSC bits) | Unaffected |