1.1 16-Bit Bootloader Home Page

16-bit bootloader for MCC is a light weight bootloader. It provides the basic capabilities needed for the bootloader generation.

16-Bit Overview

An overview of the bootloader infrastructure.

How To Build A Bootloader

A detailed overview of how to use MCC to to build the bootloader and use the firmware generated.

User Interface

A detailed overview of the MCC Bootloader builder user interface and its features.

SW Interface

A detailed overview of the software interfaces generated by the bootloader builder.

Bootloader Memory Spaces

The device memory map generated by they bootloader builder.

Interrupt Handling

How to configure interrupts used by the bootloader and interrupts.

Application Verification

The Application Verification section describes the different methods used to verify the application binary before the bootloader executes the application binary.

Bootloader Development Considerations

Discusses some of the issues while configuring, building, deploying and maintaining the bootloader.

Application Design Considerations

Discusses some of the issues while configuring, building, deploying and maintaining the application.

Debugging Considerations

Discusses the methods used to debug the bootloader and application

Common issues

Common issues seen when using the bootloader library

Merging Bootloader and Application Hex Files For Production

How to merge the Bootloader and Application hex files into a single hex file for production.

16-bit Communicaton Protocol

A detailed description of the protocol used by the bootloader to download and program the application binary.