1.1 RTCC Module Operation

The RTCC module contains three register sets: control registers, clock value registers, and alarm value registers. The module works by using the configured clock source to increment several different counters, which represent the different time periods that are being tracked. Each clock value register represents the different units of time that the RTCC module keeps, and each of the counters for those registers are incremented based upon their defined intervals (i.e., the MINUTES register is clocked once a minute, the DAYS register is clocked once a day, the MONTH register is clocked once a month, etc.). The alarm feature of the RTCC can be configured to trigger at a frequency of every 1/2 second to every 1 year, with the option to repeat the alarm a specific number of times. An interrupt can be generated with every alarm event that can be used to trigger other peripherals on the device. Finally, the module has the option of VBAT operation to maintain the RTCC data and SOSC operation in the event of a power loss or failure.