Performance Level
The application can change the performance level on the fly writing to the by Performance Level Select bit in the Performance Level Configuration register (PLCFG.PLSEL).
When changing to a lower performance level, the bus frequency must be reduced before writing PLCFG.PLSEL in order to avoid exceeding the limit of the target performance level.
When changing to a higher performance level, the bus frequency can be increased only after the Performance Level Ready flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear (INTFLAG.PLRDY) bit set to '1', indicating that the performance level transition is complete.
After a reset, the device starts in the lowest PL (lowest power consumption and lowest max frequency). The application can then switch to another PL at anytime without any stop in the code execution. As shown in Figure 22-3, performance level transition is possible only when the device is in active mode.
The Performance Level Disable bit in the Performance Level Configuration register (PLCFG.PLDIS) can be used to freeze the performance level to PL0. This disables the performance level hardware mechanism in order to reduce both the power consumption and the wake-up startup time from standby sleep mode.