Product Identification System

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ATECC608B: Cryptographic Co-processor with Secure Hardware-based Key Storage

Package Options(3)SS 8-Lead (0.150” Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC)
MA8-Pad 2 x 3 x 0.6 mm Body, Thermally Enhanced Plastic Ultra Thin Dual Flat NoLead Package (UDFN)
RB3RB, 3-Lead 2x5 x 6.5mm Body, 2.0mm pin pitch, Contact Package (Sawn)
Temperature RangeHStandard Industrial Temperature Range: -40 ℃ to 85 ℃
VExtended Industrial Temperature Range: -40 ℃ to 100
I/O TypeCZSingle Wire Interface
DAI2C Interface
Tape and Reel OptionsBTube
TLarge Reel (Size varies by package type)
SSmall Reel (Only available for MA Package Type)
Device Ordering Codes
Temperature RangeDescription
Standard Industrial Extended Industrial
ATECC608B-SSHCZ-TATECC608B-SSVCZ-T8-Lead (0.150” Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC), Single-Wire, Tape and Reel, 4,000 per Reel
ATECC608B-SSHCZ-BATECC608B-SSVCZ-B8-Lead (0.150” Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC), Single-Wire, Tube, 100 per Tube
ATECC608B-SSHDA-T(4)ATECC608B-SSVDA-T 8-Lead (0.150” Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC), I2C, Tape and Reel, 4,000 per Reel
ATECC608B-SSHDA-B(4)ATECC608B-SSVDA-B8-Lead (0.150” Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC), I2C, Tube, 100 per Tube
ATECC608B-MAHCZ-TATECC608B-MAVCZ-T 8-Pad 2 x 3 x 0.6 mm Body, Thermally Enhanced Plastic Ultra Thin Dual Flat NoLead Package (UDFN), Single-Wire, Tape and Reel, 15,000 per Reel
ATECC608B-MAHDA-T(5)ATECC608B-MAVDA-T8-Pad 2 x 3 x 0.6 mm Body, Thermally Enhanced Plastic Ultra Thin Dual Flat NoLead Package (UDFN), I2C, Tape and Reel, 15,000 per Reel
ATECC608B-MAHCZ-SATECC608B-MAVCZ-SPad 2 x 3 x 0.6 mm Body, Thermally Enhanced Plastic Ultra Thin Dual Flat NoLead Package (UDFN), Single-Wire, Tape and Reel, 3,000 per Reel
ATECC608B-MAHDA-S(5)ATECC608B-MAVDA-S8-Pad 2 x 3 x 0.6 mm Body, Thermally Enhanced Plastic Ultra Thin Dual Flat NoLead Package (UDFN), I2C, Tape and Reel, 3,000 per Reel
ATECC608B-RBHCZ-TATECC608B-RBVCZ-TSingle-Wire, Tape and Reel, 5,000 per Reel, 3-Lead Contact Package
ATECC608B-RBHCZ-BATECC608B-RBVCZ-BSingle-Wire, Tube, 56 per Tube, 3-Lead Contact Package
  1. Tape and Reel identifier only appears in the catalog part number description. This identifier is used for ordering purposes and is not printed on the device package. Check with your Microchip Sales Office for package availability with the Tape and Reel option.
  2. Small form-factor packaging options may be available. Please check for small-form factor package availability, or contact your local Sales Office.
  3. Die-on-Tape and Reel and WLCSP packages are available for qualified customers. Ordering codes for these packages are not shown in this table. Please contact Microchip sales for more information on these package options.
  4. These products are also available as sample units for the TrustCUSTOM variant ATECC608B-TCSMS. More information on Trust Platform secure elements can be found in ATECC608B Trust Platform Variants and Provisioning Services.
  5. These products are also available as sample units for the TrustCUSTOM variant ATECC608B-TCSMU. More information on Trust Platform secure elements can be found in ATECC608B Trust Platform Variants and Provisioning Services.