Read Data from NVM

The Read Data from the NVM command will transmit data bits out of the current PC address. The ICSPDAT pin will go into Output mode on the first falling edge of the ICSP data payload clock and it will revert to Input mode (high-impedance) after the 24th falling edge of the ICSP data payload clock. The Start and Stop bits are only one-half of a bit time wide. Therefore, they must be ignored by the host programmer device since the latched value may be indeterminate. Additionally, the host programmer device needs to only consider the MSb to LSb payload bits as valid and can ignore the values of the Pad bits. If the memory region is code-protected, the data will be read as zeros (see Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9). Refer to the Enhanced Code Protection section for details. Depending on the value of bit 1 of the command, the PC may or may not be incremented (see ICSP Command Set Summary). The Read Data from the NVM command can be used to read data for the Program Flash Memory (see Figure 3-8) or the Data EEPROM Memory (see Figure 3-9).

Figure 3-8. Read Data from NVM (PFM and User IDs)
Figure 3-9. Read Data from NVM (DATA EEPROM and Configuration Bytes)