11.4.2 Natural Order (Hardware) Priority

When vectored interrupts are enabled and more than one interrupt with the same user specified priority level is requested, the priority conflict is resolved by using a method called “Natural Order Priority”. Natural order priority is a fixed priority scheme that is based on the IVT.

Table 11-2. Interrupt Vector Priority Table










0x0 Software Interrupt 0x3E PWM3RINT
0x1 HLVD (High/Low-Voltage Detect) 0x3F PWM3GINT
0x2 OSF (Oscillator Fail) 0x40 U2RX
0x3 CSW (Clock Switching) 0x41 U2TX
0x4 - 0x42 U2E
0x5 CLC1 (Configurable Logic Cell) 0x43 U2
0x6 - 0x44 TMR5
0x7 IOC (Interrupt-On-Change) 0x45 TMR5G
0x8 INT0 0x46 CCP2
0x9 ZCD (Zero-Cross Detection) 0x47 SCAN
0xA AD (ADC Conversion Complete) 0x48 U3RX
0xB ACT (Active Clock Tuning) 0x49 U3TX
0xC CM1 (Comparator) 0x4A U3E
0xD SMT1 (Signal Measurement Timer) 0x4B U3
0xE SMT1PRA 0x4C -
0x10 ADT 0x4E - 0x4F -
0x11 - 0x13 - 0x50 INT2
0x14 DMA1SCNT (Direct Memory Access) 0x51 CLC5
0x15 DMA1DCNT 0x52 CWG2 (Complementary Waveform Generator)
0x16 DMA1OR 0x53 NCO2
0x17 DMA1A 0x54 DMA3SCNT
0x18 SPI1RX (Serial Peripheral Interface) 0x55 DMA3DCNT
0x19 SPI1TX 0x56 DMA3OR
0x1A SPI1 0x57 DMA3A
0x1B TMR2 0x58 CCP3
0x1C TMR1 0x59 CLC6
0x1D TMR1G 0x5A CWG3
0x1E CCP1 (Capture/Compare/PWM) 0x5B TMR4
0x20 U1RX 0x5D DMA4DCNT
0x21 U1TX 0x5E DMA4OR
0x22 U1E 0x5F DMA4A
0x23 U1 0x60 U4RX
0x24 - 0x25 - 0x61 U4TX
0x26 PWM1RINT 0x62 U4E
0x27 PWM1GINT 0x63 U4
0x28 SPI2RX 0x64 DMA5SCNT
0x29 SPI2TX 0x65 DMA5DCNT
0x2A SPI2 0x66 DMA5OR
0x2B - 0x67 DMA5A
0x2C TMR3 0x68 U5RX
0x2D TMR3G 0x69 U5TX
0x2E PWM2RINT 0x6A U5E
0x2F PWM2GINT 0x6B U5
0x30 INT1 0x6C DMA6SCNT
0x31 CLC2 0x6D DMA6DCNT
0x32 CWG1 (Complementary Waveform Generator) 0x6E DMA6OR
0x33 NCO1 (Numerically Controlled Oscillator) 0x6F DMA6A
0x34 DMA2SCNT 0x70 -
0x35 DMA2DCNT 0x71 CLC7
0x36 DMA2OR 0x72 CM2
0x37 DMA2A 0x73 NCO3
0x38 I2C1RX 0x74 - 0x77 -
0x39 I2C1TX 0x78 NVM
0x3A I2C1 0x79 CLC8
0x3B I2C1E 0x7A CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
0x3C - 0x7B TMR6
0x3D CLC3 0x7C - 0x8F -

The natural order priority scheme goes from high-to-low with increasing vector numbers, with 0 being the highest priority and decreasing from there.

For example, when two concurrently occurring interrupt sources that are both designated high priority, using the IPRx register will be resolved using the natural order priority (i.e., the interrupt with a lower corresponding vector number will preempt the interrupt with the higher vector number).

The ability for the user to assign every interrupt source to high- or low-priority levels means that the user program can give an interrupt with a low natural priority, a higher overall priority level.