2.4.1 Requirements

  • A 200 Ω tuning resistor is connected to the HHSx_RTUNE pin of each USB port.
    • Refer to “Typical Connection” in chapter “USB 2.0 PHY” of the SAMA7G5 Series data sheet.
  • The TST pin is grounded.
  • If the design does not need JTAG boundary scan, tie the JTAGSEL pin to GND or leave it floating.
  • A tuning resistor is connected to the QSPI0_CAL and SDMMCx_CAL pins of each interface. Use a 20 kΩ resistor for 1.8V QSPI/SDMMC memories or a 16.9 kΩ resistor for 3.3V memories. If the memory device operates in both 1.8V and 3.3V modes, use a 20 kΩ resistor.
  • A 4.02 kΩ tuning resistor is connected to the MIPI_REXT pin.
  • All resistors connected to calibration inputs should have a tolerance of ±1% or better.
  • A 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is placed between XIN32 and XOUT32.
    • Refer to “32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator” in chapter “Electrical Characteristics” of the SAMA7G5 Series data sheet.
  • A high-frequency clock source is provided either through a crystal oscillator placed between XIN and XOUT or through an external clock generator.
    • Refer to “Main Crystal Oscillator” in chapter “Electrical Characteristics” of the SAMA7G5 Series data sheet if a crystal oscillator is used as main clock source.
  • If the clock generator option is chosen, it is recommended to ground XOUT to improve stability.
  • Clock sources should be chosen with great care. In chapter “Electrical Characteristics” of the SAMA7G5 Series data sheet:
    • Refer to “Crystal Oscillator Design Considerations” for a list of useful parameters when choosing crystal oscillators.
    • Refer to the formulas in "32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator" and "Main Crystal Oscillator" to calculate the value of the external load capacitors of the crystal oscillators.