2.6.1 Recommendations

  • If an Ethernet PHY is connected to the GEMAC0 pins of the MPU, unless the PHY supports adjustable drive strength, it is recommended that series resistors (33 Ω for ex) are placed on the RX lines of the interface, close to the PHY.
  • If CMOS-compatible output oscillators are used as clock sources for the MPU, Ethernet PHYs or other devices, their active low standby pin (if present) can be driven low by an N-channel MOSFET controlled by the LPM pin of the MPU. This feature helps reduce power consumption during certain low-power modes, when those clock sources are not used.
  • If the application requires current measurement of certain power rails, those rails can be split by shunt resistors.
  • The NRST_OUT pin of the MPU can be used as a reset source for other devices used in the design (QSPI memories, Ethernet PHYs, etc.)
  • Each SDMMC interface has its own dedicated reset pin (SDMMCx_RSTN). It can be used to reset SDIO devices or to perform power cycles on SD Cards.
  • It is recommended to use ports PD16 (FLEXCOM3_IO0 - TX) and PD17 (FLEXCOM3_IO1 - RX) as a serial debug console, since those ports are configured by default for this function at power-up.