The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed
with the following register names:
When MODE = Capture or Compare
CCPRxH: Accesses the high
byte CCPR[15:8]
CCPRxL: Accesses the low
byte CCPR[7:0]
When MODE = PWM and FMT =
CCPRx[15:10]: Not used
CCPRxH[1:0]: Accesses the
two Most Significant bits CCPR[9:8]
CCPRxL: Accesses the eight
Least Significant bits CCPR[7:0]
When MODE = PWM and FMT =
CCPRxH: Accesses the eight
Most Significant bits CCPR[9:2]
CCPRxL[7:6]: Accesses the
two Least Significant bits CCPR[1:0]
CCPRx[5:0]: Not used
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.