12.3.2 Fail-Safe Operation - FOSC Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
When the system clock (FOSC) fails, the Oscillator Fail Interrupt Flag (OSFIF)
bit of the PIR registers, as well as the corresponding FSCM failure status
(FSCMFEV) bit, will be set. If the Oscillator Fail Interrupt Enable (OSFIE)
bit was set, an interrupt will be generated when OSFIF is high. If enabled,
the FOSC Fail-Safe Clock Monitor will switch the system clock to
HFINTOSC when a failure is detected by overwriting the NOSC/COSC bits. The frequency of HFINTOSC will depend on the
previous state of the FRQ bits and the state of the NDIV/CDIV bits. Once a failure is detected, software can be used
to take steps to mitigate the repercussions of the oscillator failure. The
FSCM will switch the system clock to HFINTOSC, and the device will continue
to operate from HFINTOSC until the external oscillator has been restarted.
Once the external source is operational, it is up to the user to confirm
that the clock source is stable and to switch the system clock back to the
external oscillator using the NOSC/NDIV bits.