3.1 Get the ATmega4809 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

Figure 3-1. ATmega4809 Xplained Pro Kit

Web page: www.microchip.com/developmenttools/productdetails.aspx?partno=atmega4809-xpro

Get the kit: www.microchipdirect.com/ProductSearch.aspx?Keywords=atmega4809-xpro

  • ATmega4809 Xplained Pro (.pdf)

Key Features

  • ATmega4809 Microcontroller
  • Selectable Target Voltage
    • 3.3V
    • 5.0V (USB/external power)
  • One Mechanical Reset/User Programmable Button
  • One Mechanical User Programmable Button
  • One Yellow User Programmable LED
  • ATECC508 CryptoAuthentication device
  • 32.768 kHz Crystal
  • Three Xplained Pro Extension Headers
  • One mikroBUS Socket
  • 10-pin, 50-mil AVR® Debug Connector with UPDI
  • Embedded Debugger
    • Auto-ID for board identification in Atmel Studio
    • One yellow status LED
    • One green board power LED
    • Symbolic debug of complex data types including scope information
    • Programming and debugging, including power measurements
    • Data Gateway Interface: SPI, I2C, four GPIOs
    • Virtual COM port (CDC)
  • USB Powered

The ATmega4809 Xplained Pro user guide covers how to power the kit and the detailed information on board components, extension interface, and the hardware guide.