Quick Command Mode
In Quick Command mode, the R/W bit from the address packet
denotes the command. This mode is enabled by writing ‘1
’ to the Quick
Command Enable (QCEN) bit in the Host Control A (TWIn.MCTRLA) register. There are no
data sent or received.
The Quick Command mode is SMBus specific, using the R/W bit to turn a device function on/off or enable/disable a low-power Standby mode. This mode can be enabled to auto-trigger operations and reduce software complexity.
After the host receives an ACK from the client, either the Read Interrupt Flag (RIF) or Write Interrupt Flag (WIF) will be set, depending on the value of the R/W bit. When the RIF or WIF flag is set after issuing a Quick Command, the TWI will accept a Stop command by writing the Command (MCMD) bit field in the Host Control B (TWIn.MCTRLB) register.
The RIF and WIF flags, together with the value of the last Received Acknowledge (RXACK) flag, are all located in the Host Status (TWIn.MSTATUS) register.