7 Known Issues

ID Description Workaround Device(s)
CC8SCRIP-19213 The ordering of commands in main.c is occasionally incorrect. The atcab_init call appears before the interrupt enable/disable calls, however it should be after. Manually re-order the commands. PIC18F57Q84
CC8SCRIP-19881 When trying to provision multiple times for a board, Trust Platform Design Suite shows an error dialog "Proto Provisioning has failed with can't connect to device". Steps for freeing up the COM port for device communication:
  1. Close Trust Platform Design Suite completely.
  2. Power cycle the board connected to the PC.
  3. Open Trust Platform Design Suite.
This issue is prevalent for Boards with the MCP2221A USB-Serial Converter.
  • Explorer 16/32 Development Board
  • dsPIC33CK Curiosity Development Board
CC8SCRIP-19796 For versions of MCC Melody Core version v2.6.5 or lower, the easy view section "Secure Element Provision Prototyping Settings" appears with no content for PIC18 and AVR devices. Kit Protocol is not supported for these devices and this section is purely cosmetic. Updating to MCC Melody Core version 2.7.0 or higher will remove this visual issue. Any AVR or PIC18 Device supported by the MCC Melody Crypto Authentication Library
CC8SCRIP-19930 For PIC18FxxQ83/Q84 devices, Secure element communication using SPI version 5.1.0 does not work correctly. Select SPI version 5.0.1 within MCC Content Manager's Driver section.
  • PIC18FxxQ83
  • PIC18FxxQ84