1 Microchip MCU8 Firmware Update Image Specification


The image format designed by MCU8 is agnostic to the devices that we support. The same image format is being used for PIC18, PIC16, and AVR microcontrollers.

To enable that support we have grouped the image into chunks that contain a specified number of PCODE bytes as well as a specified number of metadata bytes that are understood as header information. This header information is used to describe how to write the data into the target no matter the type of device. We are using a common header format for every block type for simplicity.

General Rules to Remember:

  • Every block should be X + 15 bytes long where X is the amount of data bytes read out from the Hex file. If a block does not contain X+15 bytes then the rest of the block should be padded out with NULL data defined by the architecture. (PIC16 -> 0x3FFF, PIC18 -> 0xFF)

  • Every block will contain the same unlock keys

  • Header data is understood as little endian

  • A TOML file will be used to communicate the configurations needed by the formatter tool

  • Addresses used in the TOML file are not remapped

  • Addresses of the TOML file will be in words when a PIC16 is used

  • The image builder tool should allow for an option to remove 'null' data blocks from the output image. If one or more of the blocks in the image only contain 'empty' data bytes then that block can be excluded using a CLI option flag

Block Header

Block LengthBlock Type
2 byte1 byte

Block Length

This value defines the number of bytes in each block. This will be kept at the total block size for now but in the future we would like this to contain a count of total valid data bytes in the block. If this data reflected the number of valid bytes populated by the formatter tool then the bootloader would be capable of writing any length data just by reading the length at the front of the header and passing that length to the memory extension functions.

Metadata Block

The metadata block is used as a form of pre-image validation. The metadata block will contain information that the bootloader must process and return a success code otherwise the rest of the update is aborted.

Note: Each metadata entry will have a little-endian value

Block HeaderImage Format VersionDevice IDWrite Size (in bytes)App Start AddressPage Erase KeyPage Write KeyByte Write KeyPage Read Key
3 bytes3 bytes4 bytes2 bytes4 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes

Image Format Version

3 Byte Sematic Versioning

Versioning Rules

  1. A minor revision of the image format means that the updated version added additional information into one or more of the operational blocks but did not change the size or orientation of the previous revisions format. For example, a bootloader that was originally designed to work on version 1.0 of the image format should also be able to support loading an image that is using version 1.1 of the image format. Since no information that was previously understood changed locations or sizes, we can still fully understand the format given in 1.1.

  2. A major revision of the image means that past versions of the bootloader handler will be unable to understand the new data orientation because of a few different reasons:

    • A value in the image format changed sizes. Ex. Data Length being changed from 16-bit to 8-bit would break the version.

    • One or more values in the image format changed locations in the payload. Ex. Data Length is moved to byte 2 and 3 (after the block type).

  3. A patch version in the file format would indicate that there was an error in documentation but the bootloader functionality and file data did not change.

Device ID

This value will define the ID of the device that this image is meant to be booted with.

Write Size

This value will define the maximum size in bytes that the bootloader can write at one time.

App Start Address

This value will define the start address of the image that will be booted. This value is the word address when a PIC16 is used.

Page Erase Key

This value will define the key value to be used for any operation that triggers a page erase.

Page Write Key

This value will define the key value to be used for any operation that triggers a page write.

Byte Write Key

This value will define the key value to be used for any operation that triggers a byte write. (Or word write depending on the architecture)

Page Read Key

This value will define the key value to be used for any operation that triggers a page read.

Flash or EEPROM Write Block

Operational write blocks are blocks that should be passed to the bootloader for processing.

Block HeaderBlock Start AddressPage Erase KeyPage Write KeyByte Write KeyPage Read KeyData Payload
3 bytes4 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytesX bytes

Start Address

This value will define the start address of the data held in this block. This value is the word address when a PIC16 is used.

Key Definitions do not change from block to block.

Configuration TOML Overview

In order for the image builder tool to understand how it can create these blocks and headers, we must provide some form of input to the tool. The agreed upon format that we will use to communicate the bootloader configuration to the image builder tool is through a TOML file. This TOML file will contain information needed by the image builder tool to parse over the hex file and create the necessary blocks in the output image file. TOML configuration parts will be described below:

Bootloader Configurations

Note: For PIC16F devices, the address values that are seen in this TOML file are word addresses.

Configuration NameDescription
ARCHThis string defined the architecture that was configured in the bootloader. If this value is PIC16 some extra steps may be required to correct the word vs. byte addressing
IMAGE_FORMAT_VERSIONSemantic version value of the image format given in string format. e.g. "0.3.0"
PAGE_ERASE_KEYPage Erase key to be written into each header
PAGE_READ_KEYPage Read key to be written into each header
PAGE_WRITE_KEYPage Write key to be written into each header
BYTE_WRITE_KEYByte or Word Write key to be written into each header
DEVICE_ID32-bit device id value to be used in the metadata block
WRITE_BLOCK_SIZEThe size that the bootloader is able to write in bytes
FLASH_STARTThis address defines the first address in the output binary image
FLASH_ENDThis address defines the address where the update will stop
EEPROM_STARTThis address defines the first address of the EEPROM range
EEPROM_ENDThis address defines the end of the EEPROM range
CONFIG_STARTThis address defined the start of the configuration bits / FUSEs range
CONFIG_ENDThis address defined the end of the configuration bits / FUSEs range

Host Configurations

Configuration NameDescription