SDIO Controller AC Timing Specifications

Figure 3-3. SDIO Controller AC Timing Diagram
Table 3-10. SDIO Controller AC Timing Specifications
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDD = VDDIO = 3.0V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating Temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +105°C for V-temp

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.TypMax.UnitsConditions(1)
SD_5tSDCKClock frequency050MHz
SD_7tDUTYDuty cycle50%
SD_9tHIGHClock high time8.5ns
SD_11tLOWClock low time8.5ns
SD_13tRISEClock rise time5
SD_15tFALLClock fall time5
SD_17tIN_SETUPInput setup time6ns
SD_19tIN_HOLDInput hold time1ns
SD_21tOUT_DLYOutput delay time313nsVDDIO = 3.3V, CLOAD = 15 pF (Max)
  1. All output pins with 15 pF load

  2. The maximum clock frequency specified is limited by the SDIO Host interface internal design; actual maximum clock frequency can be lower and depends on the specific PCB layout.