1.2 Device Features

SHA106 includes an EEPROM array that can be used for storage of one secret key, miscellaneous read/write data, consumption logging and security configurations. Write access to the various data zone slots and configuration subzones of memory can be restricted.

The SHA106 supports a Microchip proprietary PWM SWI operating in parasitic power mode. This reduces the total pin count of the interface to just two pins: a Ground Signal and the Serial I/O Signal. Power is provided to the device through the Serial I/O signal and a capacitor internal to the package.

Each SHA106 unit ships with a unique 72-bit serial number. Also, SHA106 features a wide array of defense mechanisms specifically designed to prevent physical attacks on the device itself or logical attacks on the data transmitted between the device and the system. Hardware restrictions on the ways in which a key is used or generated provide further defense against certain styles of attack.

An enhanced mode of self-test can be enabled by setting the SelfTest bit in the Configuration Zone. In this mode, the tests are required to run prior to the execution of the commands that require cryptographic algorithms.

The SHA106 device has a monotonic counter that can be used by the host system for a purpose of its choosing. The maximum value of the counter is limited to a maximum of 10,000 uses. A lower value can be programmed into the device during provisioning if so desired. If so desired, the counter can be attached to the symmetric key in Slot 3 to limit the use of this key. The monotonic counter will be automatically updated when the MAC command is run if the key in Slot 3 is configured for limited use.