5 Timer Configuration

5.1 Builder: Add Timer Driver

Application Builder: Click 'Add Component'.

Filter on 'Timer' then click the

icon, to add the Timer Driver.

Tip: You can tell that the Timer is a driver by the "Driver" tag next to the component, as well as by the blue icon.
Tip: When added to the Builder, components can be considered to be in their default configuration.
CAUTION: If not in its default configuration, a Driver or Library component's configuration can be reset by removing the component and adding it back again.

5.2 Timer Driver PLIB Dependency Selection

Once a Timer Driver is added, a Timer PLIB (Peripheral Library) will be selected as a dependency.

Click the Timer (None) component block in MCC Builder to bring the Timer Driver to focus.

5.3 ERROR: Timer Requested Period

Once a Requested Timer Period is entered, this value may be larger than the maximum value possible with the current Timer Clock Frequency.

In the MCC Builder, click the Timer PLIB to bring it's configuration to focus.

Tip: The MFINTOSC_500KHz (Medium-Frequency Internal Oscillator), is often a nice balance between the microsecond domain of microcontrollers, and the 10's of ms that humans can notice.