4.2.1 NAND Flash

The SAM4S Xplained Pro kit has one 2Gb NAND Flash connected to the external bus interface of the SAM4S.
Table 4-7. NAND Flash Connections
SAM4S pinFunctionNAND flash functionShared functionality
PC0D0IO0LCD connector
PC1D1IO1LCD connector
PC2D2IO2LCD connector
PC3D3IO3LCD connector
PC4D4IO4LCD connector
PC5D5IO5LCD connector
PC6D6IO6LCD connector
PC7D7IO7LCD connector
PC9NANDOERE (active low)
PC10NANDWEWE (active low)
PC13GPIOR (active high)/ B (active low)
PC14NCS[0]CE (active low)
PC16NANDALEALE (active low)